Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pistachios, Cinnamon, and Weekend Recovery

Let me just start by saying this past weekend was a blast. And since it was a blast, I'm fairly certain that I have just now recovered. Hoo wee all the girls need to come back so we can do that again asap! Aside from that, I'm still too exhausted to come up with anything super clever, so I'm just going to post the two recipes I made last Thursday. One was delish. One...not so much. But here you go, failures and all.

First up are the pistachio cupcakes I made. For some reason these were a big womp womp in my opinion. I'm not quite sure what went wrong, but there was just something about them I didn't enjoy. One thing that did go wrong was the fact that I overbaked them. So the first batch was a little on the firm side. Also, even though I wasn't a huge fan of these, they were best within the first couple of days. I still have some hanging around and they're just not that great. I'm going to send you over to Annie's blog to get the recipe since she explains it so well. (annies-eats) I'll probably try these again another time to see if maybe I was having an off cupcake day. P.S. the ganache was really good.

Onnn to the next!

Now these were amaaazzinngg. Omg thank goodness I brought a pan of these to work or every one of these would have ended up in my belly and on my ass. I have never made home made cinnamon rolls before but I swear on my mixer that I will never buy refrigerator cinnamon rolls again. I'm not going to sit here and say these were the simplest things I've ever made, but the work is definitely worth it in the end. I did a half and half thing and incorporated two separate recipes, so we have a little mixture here.


The dough, normal half of the rolls, and icing recipes came from Smitten Kitchen (over here). It made just enough dough for both of these pans of rolls. Ok so this is where it gets a little interesting. Half of the rolls were regular, but for the other half I decided to experiment and try this roasted banana cinnamon rolls recipe from Picky Palate. I only had one banana so I just halved the first three ingredients of the recipe. If I hadn't of it would have been too much for only half of the dough. Let me tell ya. These were even better than the normal ones. Mmmhmm definitely will be making these again. Also, the cream cheese frosting went really well with both of the recipes, but it makes a ton. So unless you plan on drowning your rolls in frosting you could probs half it and still have left overs. Hope you guys enjoy these and have a great/not that boring rest of the week!

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