Monday, August 30, 2010

Back At It...

I know, I know I've been a massivly slack blogger lately. But I have an excuse! Last week had to of been one of THE most stressful weeks that I've experienced in a while. You know sometimes, you get to that point where everything that's been going wrong inevitably builds up until it can't anymore? Well that's kind of what happened to me. Between my car getting keyed thanks to the psychos downstairs by God only knows who, money issues, and life in general, I needed a little time-out. Thankfully this weekend was blessedly uneventful and relaxing. And now, on to a new week!

As far as this week is concerned I am excited for Labor Day, but sad at the same time because that means Summer is officially over and I am once again destined to become pale. But as I have previously discussed I love Fall, so I'm not too sad. USC's first football game is this Thursday and I am soooo excited to cheer on my Gamecocks. Me and some of my local alumni friends are going to watch the game at Carolyn's since it's apparently a Carolina bar. Ahh time to break out the garnet and black! Also in the mix for this week, my friend Monica is coming down tonight! She's coming for a Braves game since she got swindled into buying a ton of tickets and she has invited me along.

As for my weekend/holiday plans go, Kristin will by making her second appearance in ATL along with her boyfriend Brian. Hopefully I can find sooome way to entertain them. Since it's looking like a beautiful weekend I believe floating down the Hooch will be involved. Any who I saw this quote today and thought it went well with how I'm feeling this week, along with this cute picture of Audrey.

   "Sometimes, if not most of the time, 
you find out who you are by figuring out 
who and what you are not." 
- Kelly Cutrone

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